The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World

Nov. 4, 2023 by Ava Green

The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World

In the quest to quell inflammation, a pervasive and persistent force behind many chronic diseases, nutrition stands as a beacon of hope. From autoimmune disorders to the myriad conditions encapsulated by the suffix "-itis," indicating inflammation, our dietary choices can either fuel the fire of inflammation or help extinguish it.

A fascinating and critical connection exists between the inflammation that ignites within our joints and the inflammatory processes that can besiege our gut. Addressing inflammation isn't merely about managing symptoms; it's about fostering a foundation of gut health.

Before we delve into the superlative anti-inflammatory food, it's instructive to understand what may be contributing to the problem. There are several common dietary culprits known to provoke inflammatory responses:

  • Grains
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Junk foods/ultra-processed foods
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Seed oils
  • A1 milk proteins
  • Fiber and functional fiber products
  • Plant-protein products

Surprisingly, even foods typically hailed for their health benefits, like beans, legumes, and certain vegetables, may exacerbate inflammation in sensitive individuals. In such cases, a dietary pivot towards a carnivore diet, even temporarily, can prove beneficial.

At the heart of the inflammation conundrum lies "intestinal permeability," or what's commonly referred to as leaky gut. This condition serves as a genesis for inflammation and underscores the importance of gut health. Here, glutamine—an amino acid paramount for the nourishment of colon cells—emerges as an essential ally.

So, what is the best food to combat inflammation? The answer lies in the humble yet mighty source of glutamine: beef. Beef is an excellent source of this amino acid, and its role in supporting gut health and mitigating inflammatory conditions is well-documented.

For those adhering to a vegan or vegetarian diet, the best glutamine-rich alternative is cabbage. Particularly, red cabbage is lauded for its high glutamine content and stands as a testament to the diversity of anti-inflammatory foods available across different dietary preferences.

In addition to beef and cabbage, other glutamine-rich foods include:

  • Sheep or goat cheese
  • Kefir
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Bone broth

Each of these foods can contribute to an anti-inflammatory diet, bolstering the body's defenses against the assaults of chronic inflammation.

As we consider the incorporation of these foods into our daily regimen, it is important to do so with mindfulness and balance, ensuring that our overall dietary pattern is varied, nutrient-dense, and tailored to our individual health needs.

To substantiate the claims presented and to provide a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between diet and inflammation, one may refer to a comprehensive study available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at This source delves into the scientific underpinnings that reinforce the significance of dietary choices in managing inflammation.

In summary, the overarching message is clear: nurturing our gut health through strategic dietary choices can have a profound impact on managing inflammation. Whether through the glutamine-rich bounty of beef or the vegetarian-friendly virtues of red cabbage, the key to dampening the inflammatory response lies on our plates.