
Understanding the Role of Hepatic Insulin Resistance in Visceral Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Oct. 17, 2023 by Ava Green

In the realm of metabolic health, abdominal visceral obesity (AVO) stands out as a significant concern. It's a primary component of the metabolic syndrome (MS), a condition that increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

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New Study Reveals the Health Benefits of Prunes for Postmenopausal Women

Oct. 17, 2023 by Ava Green

In a recent groundbreaking study titled "The Effect of 12-month Prune (Dried Plum) Supplementation on Inflammatory Responses and Cardiometabolic Health in Postmenopausal Women", researchers have unveiled the potential benefits of prunes in supporting bone health and reducing inflammation in postmenopausal women.

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The Ketogenic Diet and Cardiovascular Health: A Deeper Dive

Oct. 17, 2023 by Ava Green

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as the "keto" diet, has gained significant attention in recent years, both for its potential weight loss benefits and its impact on various health parameters. One area of interest is the diet's relationship with cardiovascular health. A recent publication delved into this topic, and here, we'll break down its findings for a broader audience.

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The Hidden Treasures in Tropical Fruits: A Dive into Essential Minerals

Oct. 18, 2023 by Ava Green

Tropical fruits, with their vibrant colors and tantalizing flavors, have always been a favorite for many. Originating from tropical and subtropical regions, these fruits are not just a treat for the taste buds but also a powerhouse of essential nutrients.

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Food-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis: A Comprehensive Review

Oct. 18, 2023 by Ava Green

Food allergies are a common concern for many, but have you ever heard of an allergic reaction that only occurs when certain foods are combined with exercise?

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The Power of Active Nutrition: A One-Week Jumpstart to Better Health

Oct. 18, 2023 by Ava Green

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for quick and effective solutions to health challenges is ever-growing. With obesity rates skyrocketing and associated health risks on the rise, finding efficient ways to combat weight gain and improve metabolic health is crucial.

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Is Turmeric Curcumin Safe? Unveiling the Truth

Oct. 19, 2023 by Ava Green

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice, has been a staple in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine for centuries.

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Cholesterol Demystified: A Closer Look at LDL Variants and Nutritional Armory to Combat Cardiovascular Risks

Oct. 29, 2023 by Ava Green

Cholesterol, a lipid molecule, plays a crucial role in cellular function and hormonal synthesis. However, when its levels sway from the norm, cardiovascular risks loom.

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The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World

Nov. 4, 2023 by Ava Green

In the quest to quell inflammation, a pervasive and persistent force behind many chronic diseases, nutrition stands as a beacon of hope. From autoimmune disorders to the myriad conditions encapsulated by the suffix "-itis," indicating inflammation, our dietary choices can either fuel the fire of inflammation or help extinguish it.

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Understanding and Alleviating Chronic Stress: Strategies for a Healthier Life

Nov. 5, 2023 by Ava Green

Chronic stress is a pervasive issue, subtly undermining our health in a myriad of ways. Its insidious effects can ripple through every system in our body, potentially leading to a cascade of health issues.

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Eat Onions and Boost Testosterone: Unveiling the Testosterone-Enhancing Powers of a Common Vegetable

Nov. 7, 2023 by Ava Green

Testosterone, the quintessential male hormone, has captured the attention of the wellness community for its vital role in supporting libido, muscle growth, and masculine traits.

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The Ultimate Guide to Liver Health: Discover the Best Foods for Liver Detoxification

Nov. 18, 2023 by Ava Green

The liver, a vital organ in our body, is responsible for numerous functions, including detoxification, hormone production, and bile creation. Given its essential role, maintaining liver health is crucial. In this article, we'll explore the best foods to support and enhance liver function, drawing on insights from several scientific studies.

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Clear Your Arteries with These Nutritious Foods

Nov. 29, 2023 by Ava Green

Maintaining healthy arteries is crucial for overall cardiovascular health. In this comprehensive guide, we explore dietary approaches to cleanse and support arterial health, drawing insights from a study found at NCBI.

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Mastering Intermittent Fasting: 7 Essential Rules for Success 🕰️🍎

May 28, 2024 by Ava Green

Intermittent fasting has gained immense popularity for its numerous health benefits, from weight loss to improved brain function. Today, we’ll dive into the seven most important rules of intermittent fasting, condensing insights from numerous sources into one comprehensive guide. 🌟 Let's get started!

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New Insights on Vitamin D: The VITAL Study and Its Controversies

July 25, 2024 by Ava Green

Today, we delve into some critical insights about vitamin D. The VITAL study, which included 26,000 participants, concluded that vitamin D supplementation is essentially worthless. According to the study, vitamin D did not reduce the risk of cancer, major cardiovascular events, stroke, or cardiovascular death.

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